
예수 더 알기 원하며 그 은혜 전하기 원해
구원의 충만 더 보네 날 위해 죽은 그 사랑


더 예수를 더욱 더 주님만 더욱
구원의 충만 더 보네 날 위해 죽은 그 사랑


예수 더 배우기 원해 거룩함 더욱 분별해
그 영 내 스승 되시네 주 어떠하심 가르쳐


성경 말씀 안에 예수 그분과 교재하면서
구절마다 음성 듣고 신실한 말씀 내것 되


보좌에 앉으신 예수 그 영광 부요하시네
그 왕국 더욱 증가해 평강의 왕 곧 오시네


영어 가사

1.More a-bout Je-sus would I know,

More of His grace to oth-ers show;

More of His sav-ing full-ness see,

More of His love who died for me.

More, more a-bout Je-sus,

More, more a-bout Je-sus;

More of His sav-ing full-ness see,

More of His love who died for me.


2.More a-bout Je-sus let me learn,

More of His ho-ly will dis-cern;

Spir-it of God, my teach-er be;

Show-ing the things of Christ to me.

More, more a-bout Je-sus,

More, more a-bout Je-sus;

More of His sav-ing full-ness see,

More of His love who died for me.


3.More a-bout Je-sus in His word,

Hold-ing com-mun-ion with my Lord,

Hear-ing His voice in ev-'ry line,

Mak-ing each faith-ful say-ing mine.

More, more a-bout Je-sus,

More, more a-bout Je-sus;

More of His sav-ing full-ness see,

More of His love who died for me.


4.More a-bout Je-sus on His throne,

Rich-es in glo-ry all His own;

More of His king-dom's sure in-crease;

More of His com-ing, Prince of Peace.

More, more a-bout Je-sus,

More, more a-bout Je-sus;

More of His sav-ing full-ness see,

More of His love who died for me.